It is essential to note that having a minimum qualification of High School is a prerequisite for this job.The requirement for this job is to have 24 months of work experience in the same field.The Installer job listing was made available on December 21, 2024, and it will no longer be accessible after March 15, 2025.The employer's non-disclosure of salary means that you can negotiate based on the company's commitment to employee growth and career advancement.This opportunity is located in Jakarta Raya, but the company is open to considering candidates from outside the area if they meet the specified requirements. VIVERE GROUP has full time roles available for immediate start.The job site is at Kalideres, Jakarta Raya, 18001.
Industri: Architectural & Design Services
Since commencing operations in Indonesia in 1984, VIVERE has evolved into one of the countries leading interior contractors and furniture manufacturers establishing a solid track record for successfully completing construction projects on time, to budget and to the quality standards required its clients.Known today as PT Gema Graha Sarana Tbk. (GGS), the company was established to provide interior contracting services. Over two decades later, GGS is among the industry leaders with its complete range of products and services for the interior and furniture industry.With combined workforce of 1,000 employees across three subsidiaries, PT Prasetya Gema Mulia (Mechanical Electrical Contracting), PT Laminatech Kreasi Sarana (Panel Component Manufacturing & Trading), PT Vivere Multi Kreasi (Office & Residential Furniture Manufacturing), GGS created the VIVERE Group in September 2005 as the main brand for GGS and its subsidiaries.We are proud to have been awarded the ISO 9001 : 2008 for Quality Assurance Certificate and OHSAS 18001 : 2007 for our high concern in Safety & Health working standards. This assures our clients and partners that our working standards are world class.Our vision and core values are reflected in our dedication and accomplishments; they encapsulate the motivation that inspires GGS to be a specialist interior contractor and furniture manufacturer of the highest order. VIVERE is firmly established at the leading edge of the industry.We pursue excellence, innovation and professionalism in all areas of our business. We focus on the quality and level of service that our client have grown to expect from us. Each company within the Vivere Group has its own management and employee structure and is dedicated for offering the highest possible quality within its area of expertise.
To have a safe and productive job search online, there are several things you need to keep in mind before applying for jobs. If an employer only wants to communicate via email or text message for a job interview, it's worth investigating further. Be wary of job postings that request personal banking information to proceed with an application. Always do your research before paying any fees related to a job offer. Think twice before disclosing sensitive information to potential employers. Don't be swayed by promises of high pay or easy work when evaluating job postings, as these can often be signs of scams or frauds. If you're unsure whether the job posting is real or not, call the company to verify it. Don't be swayed by job postings that offer high commissions or bonuses without proper explanation or criteria, as these are often signs of a fraudulent job posting.
VIVERE Serpong South 78
n n Job Descriptionsn Applyn
nBidang Kerja: Trades & Services / Carpentry & Cabinet Making
Make an informed decision about the job by reading the posting carefully and considering your own qualifications. Don't let the rush to submit your application quickly lead to careless mistakes and oversights. We are excited to receive applications from individuals who are enthusiastic about this job opportunity and meet the requirements. We want to make sure that you are a good fit for this job, so please take the time to carefully evaluate before submitting an application. Furthermore, offers a wide range of job vacancies that could be a good fit for you.