Negotiating the salary with the employer is an option since the salary is not publicly listed on the job posting.The employer is willing to provide relocation assistance for qualified candidates who are offered the job, regardless of their current location. Don't miss the opportunity to be considered for the job - submit your application before the expiration date as PT. NTT Global Data Centers Indonesia, the recruiter for this vacancy, will not accept late submissions.The job offer for the Driver (Bekasi Regency) position was announced on December 20, 2024, and it will be removed on March 14, 2025.
NTT Ltd. is a leading, global technology services company. We’re here to enable the connected future. We come together to make the world a better place, and every day we use the power of technology to make it happen. We employ curious people who are ready to change the world.Through the work we do with our clients and in our communities, we find ways that technology can make a positive impact. We call it technology for good. That’s our focus and it extends well beyond the bottom line. We believe in using technology for good. This means helping organizations and society transform and move into the future with a partner they can trust.At the heart of our business are relationships built on loyalty, commitment and a shared belief in what’s possible when we work together: a better world for us all to live in. Working with organizations around the world, we achieve business outcomes through intelligent technology solutions
Industri: Consulting Services
Driver duties and responsibilities
To protect yourself from job scams and fraudulent job postings when applying for jobs online, make sure to remember these important tips. Researching the company is a vital step in the job search process to ensure that it's a legitimate and trustworthy organization. If a job posting asks for personal information, such as your social security number or date of birth, be extra cautious and double-check the legitimacy of the company. Be cautious of job postings that suggest email or text as the only form of communication for an interview. Legitimate employers will never require payment in exchange for a job. Look for job postings that offer realistic and competitive compensation and benefits. Be cautious with personal information, especially when applying for jobs online. Don't be afraid to ask questions or request more information about a job posting before applying.
Drivers are responsible for transporting User and Company's Employees in a timely manner, and they may have to work nights and weekends to accomplish their duties. Common duties and responsibilities for drivers are to:
Job Requirements
Bidang Kerja: Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics / Couriers, Drivers & Postal Services
It's important to carefully read the job posting to avoid any misunderstandings or miscommunications. We encourage individuals who have carefully reviewed this job posting and feel that they are a strong candidate to apply. In the competitive world of job applications, accuracy and completeness can set you apart from the crowd. If you have any concerns or questions about this job posting, please reach out to us for clarification. Nevertheless, if you're looking for other job opportunities, offers various other vacancies you might want to explore.